13. Intro to psql

Using psql Heading

Intro to psql

ND004 C01 L02 17 Using Psql - Create And Drop



  • psql is an interactive terminal application for connecting and interacting with your local postgres server on your machine.
  • Connect using $ psql <dbname>
  • psql lets you
    • Directly type and execute SQL commands to your database
    • Inspect and preview your database and database tables using psql meta-commands
Protip: type \? into psql to see a list of available commands

Useful basic psql commands

psql <dbname> [<username>]

Starts psql with a connection to dbname. Optionally use another user than current user

In psql:

# \l

List all databases on the server, their owners, and user access levels

# \c <dbname>

Connect to a database named

# \dt

Show database tables

# \d <tablename>

Describe table schema

# \q

Quit psql, return to the terminal

# \?

Get help, see list of available commands


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